Job Post Feed Template

Wordpress template

You can use this template to kickstart the creation of the job posts listing page in Wordpress.

Please feel free to contact Bonsy to get a copy of this file!

<?php /* Template Name: Job Posts Listing */ get_header(); ?>


	# An example to show that the template could use Wordpress content on the 
	# same page. Here with a link (should be replace) to Recman register page.
	if ( have_posts() ) while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();?>
				<?php the_content(); ?>
				<a href='....' class='button'>Create a profile</a>
	<?php endwhile; ?>


				# The Re

				# Check if Recman WP Plugin is installed and has rows of data
				if( function_exists('have_jobposts') AND have_jobposts() ):

					# Loop through the rows of data
					while ( have_jobposts() ) : the_jobpost();

						# A link wrapper of each post.
						echo "<a href='".get_jobpost('permalink')."'>";

							# Show logo
							if( $logo = get_jobpost('logo') ) {
								$alt = ( get_jobpost('name') ) ? get_jobpost('name') : '';
								echo "<div><img src='{$logo}' alt='$alt' /></div>";

							# Text wrapper
							echo "<div>";

								# Text header
								echo "<header>";
									echo "<h3>" . get_jobpost('name') . "</h3>";
								echo "</header>";

								# Show Excerpt
								echo "<div class='jobtext'>";
									echo "<p>" . get_jobpost('excerpt') . "</p>";
								echo "</div>";

								echo "<footer>";
									echo "<ul>";
										# Number of Positions
										if( $pos = get_jobpost('numberOfPositions') ) {
											echo "<li><i>Positions</i>{$pos}</li>";
										# Show workplace
										if( $place = get_jobpost('workplace') ) {
											echo "<li><i>Place</i>{$place}</li>";
										# Show type - Autotranslated
										if( $type = get_jobpost('type') ) {
											echo "<li><i>Type</i>{$type}</li>";
										# Show deadlind
										if( $deadline = get_jobpost('deadline') ) {
											echo "<li><i>Deadline</i>{$deadline}</li>";
									echo "</ul>";
								echo "</footer>";
							echo "</div>"; # end text wrapper
						echo "</a>"; # end link wrapper


				else :
					# No job posts published. Show message.
					echo '<h3>No available jobs at this point</h3>';



<?php get_footer(); ?>

Last updated