Register account

There are two ways to get started with the plugin:

  1. Activating demo mode

  2. Register an account using a RecMan API key.

Demo mode

When activating demo mode, the plugin will fetch some sample data from a test account in RecMan. You will get access to all the same fields and data that a registered account will.

The demo mode can be quite useful if your RecMan account doesn't have any published job posts while you are developing your site.

Register an account using RecMan API key

To register an account you need a valid RecMan API key.

Please read our guide to how to obtain a RecMan API key.

When you register with the RecMan API key a free 30 day trial will start. This gives you time to evaluate the plugin, and if you want to keep using the plugin after the 30 days, you can purchase a subscription. Contact us to activate your subscription.

Last updated